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Native American Health Services for Students
St. Joseph’s Indian School’s health and wellness philosophy is to safely meet the health care needs of all of our students. We provide on-site health and wellness services and facilitate access to specialized care.
American Indians and Alaska Natives born today have a life expectancy that is 4.4 years less than the U.S. all races population (73.7 years to 78.1 years, respectively).
American Indians and Alaska Natives continue to die at higher rates than other Americans in many categories, including chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, unintentional injuries, assault/homicide, intentional self-harm/suicide and chronic lower respiratory diseases.*
*U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Indian Health Service (March 2016)
St. Joseph’s Indian School’s Health & Family Services Center, located on St. Joseph’s campus, is open daily and has ‘on-call’ nurse availability after hours and on weekends to fulfill the Native American health care needs of our students.
Healthcare providers are available each morning during the week to see to the needs of our Native American students and staff members.
Our Native American students are referred to the health center by a houseparent or school staff member whenever there is an injury or illness that needs attention. Barring something serious like an x-ray, St. Joseph’s nurses and contracted providers are able to see to all the Native American students’ healthcare needs.
A range of illnesses and injuries are cared for at the health center — some of St. Joseph’s most common visits are for colds, flu, allergies, asthma and athletic injuries. Students stay at the health center during the school day when they are too sick to attend school.

The healthcare needs of our Native American students’ are met by caring, knowledgeable staff.
All staff who work directly with the Native American children — like teachers, houseparents and counselors — are also trained to deal with minor health problems and are certified in basic First Aid and CPR.
Nurses at the health center also evaluate our students' eyesight and arrange for eye appointments as needed. Annual dental appointments are also scheduled by the health center staff. Any time students need to see a specialist, it’s arranged through the health center!
On average, St. Joseph’s students make 2,700 visits to the health center each school year!
Thank you for walking alongside us as we provide holistic care for the Native American children in our care.
Learn more about our other Native American Youth Programs.