Home » Native American Culture » Oceti Sakowin — Seven Council Fires » South Dakota Reservations
South Dakota Reservations

**This map is meant as a general guide to where tribal lands are located but does not wholly represent tribal lands or reservations as they are today.
“The Spirit of the Native People — the first people — has never died. It lives in the rocks and the forests, the rivers and the mountains. It murmurs in the brooks and whispers in the trees. The hearts of these people were formed of the earth that we now walk …”
— Kent Nerburn, Author, Neither Wolf Nor Dog
Did you know that South Dakota is home to more than 71,000 American Indians — many of whom live on South Dakota reservations?
The Oceti Sakowin — Seven Council Fires — is made up of allied bands that speak one of three dialects: Dakota, Lakota or Nakota.
Here’s a little bit about each of the nine reservations located throughout South Dakota:
Cheyenne River Reservation
Division: Teton
Bands: Mnicoujou (Planters by the Water), Oohenumpa (Two Kettle), Itazipco (Sans Arc or Without Bows) and Siha Sapa (Blackfoot)
Total Land Area: 1.4 Million Acres — approximately the size of the entire state of Connecticut!
Estimated Tribal Enrollment: 15,993
Traditional Language: Lakota
Major Employers: Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Median Family Income: $22,917
Unemployment Rate (Department of the Interior 2005): 88%
St. Joseph's Students Enrolled in this tribe: 2%
Cheyenne River Tribal Office
PO Box 590
Eagle Butte, SD 57625
Read more about this South Dakota reservation here: Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.
Crow Creek Reservation
Division: Santee, Yankton
Bands: Mdewakanton (People of Spirit Lake) and Ihanktonwan (Dwellers at the End of the Village)
Total Land Area: 125,591 acres
Estimated Tribal Enrollment: 3,429
Traditional Language: Dakota
Major Employers: Agriculture
Median Family Income: $13,750
Unemployment Rate (Department of the Interior 2005): 58%
St. Joseph's Students Enrolled in this tribe: 19%
Crow Creek Tribal Office
PO Box 50
Fort Thompson, SD 57339
Read more about this South Dakota reservation here: Crow Creek Sioux Tribe.
Flandreau Santee Sioux Reservation
Division: Santee
Bands: Mdewakantonwan (People of Spirit Lake) and Wahpekute (Leaf Shooters)
Total Land Area: 2,356 acres
Estimated Tribal Enrollment: 736
Traditional Language: Dakota
Major Employers: Flandreau Indian School, Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe and Royal River Casino
Median Family Income: $35,500
Unemployment Rate (Department of the Interior 2005): 38%
St. Joseph's Students Enrolled in this tribe: 1%
Flandreau Santee Tribal Office
PO Box 283
Flandreau, SD 57028
Read more about this South Dakota reservation here: Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe.
Lower Brule Reservation
Division: Teton
Bands: Sicangu (Burnt Thigh or Brule)
Total Land Area: 132,601
Estimated Tribal Enrollment: 3,410
Traditional Language: Lakota
Major Employers: Lower Brule Sioux Tribe Golden Buffalo Casino, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Health Service and the Lower Brule Farm Corp.
Median Family Income: $20,263
Unemployment Rate (Department of the Interior 2005): 52%
St. Joseph's Students Enrolled in this tribe: 21%
Lower Brule Tribal Office
187 Oyate Circle
Lower Brule, SD 57548
Read more about this South Dakota reservation here: Lower Brule Sioux Tribe.
Pine Ridge Reservation
Division: Teton
Bands: Oglala (Scatter Their Own)
Total Land Area: 2 million acres
Estimated Tribal Enrollment: 46,855
Traditional Language: Lakota
Major Employers: Oglala Sioux Tribe, Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian Health Services
Median Family Income: $20,477
Unemployment Rate (Department of the Interior 2005): 89%
St. Joseph's Students Enrolled in this tribe: 5%
Oglala Tribal Office
PO Box 2070
Pine Ridge, SD 57770
Pine Ridge Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 375
Kyle, SD 57752
Read more about this South Dakota reservation here: Oglala Sioux Tribe.
Rosebud Reservation
Division: Teton
Bands: Sicangu (Burnt Thigh or Brule)
Total Land Area: 882,416 acres
Estimated Tribal Enrollment: 24,217
Traditional Language: Lakota
Major Employers: Rosebud Sioux Tribe, Bureau of Indian Affairs and Todd County School District
Median Family Income: $18,673
Unemployment Rate (Department of the Interior 2005): 83%
St. Joseph's Students Enrolled in this tribe: 13%
Rosebud Tribal Office
PO Box 430
Rosebud, SD 57570
Read more about this South Dakota reservation here: Rosebud Sioux Tribe.
Lake Traverse Reservation
Division: Santee
Bands: Sisseton (Fish Dwellers), Wahpeton (Forest Dwellers)
Total Land Area: 106,153 acres
Estimated Tribal Enrollment: 12,389
Traditional Language: Dakota
Major Employers: Dakota Sioux Casino, tribal government and Bureau of Indian Affairs
Median Family Income: $33,693
Unemployment Rate (Department of the Interior 2005): Not Available — The Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate is the tenth largest employer in the state of South Dakota. The Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate operates three casinos; one in North Dakota and two in South Dakota.
St. Joseph's Students Enrolled in this tribe: Less than 1%
Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribal Office
PO Box 509
Agency Village, SD 57262
Read more about this South Dakota reservation here: Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate.
Standing Rock Reservation
Division: Teton, Yankton
Bands: Hunkpapa (Campers at the Horn) Siha Sapa (Blackfoot), Ihantonwanna (Little Dwellers at the End of the Village) Ihanktonwan (Dwellers at the End of the Village)
Total Land Area: 562,366 in South Dakota
Estimated Tribal Enrollment: 15,568
Traditional Language: Lakota and Dakota
Major Employers: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Sitting Bull College, Prairie Knights Casino, Grand River Casino and school districts.
Median Family Income: $23,922
Unemployment Rate (Department of the Interior 2005): 86%
St. Joseph's Students Enrolled in this tribe: 1%
Standing Rock Tribal Office
Box D
Fort Yates, ND 58538
Read more about this South Dakota reservation here: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.
Yankton Reservation
Division: Yankton
Bands: Ihanktonwan (Dwellers at the End of the Village)
Total Land Area: Approximately 40,000 acres
Estimated Tribal Enrollment: 11,594
Traditional Language: Dakota
Major Employers: Fort Randall Casino, Indian Health Service, Yankton Sioux Tribal Offices, Bureau of Indian Affairs and Marty Indian School
Median Family Income: $27,576
Unemployment Rate (Department of the Interior 2005): 86%
St. Joseph's Students Enrolled in this tribe: 4.5%
Yankton Tribal Office
PO Box 1153
Wagner, SD 57380
Read more about this South Dakota reservation here: Yankton Sioux Tribe.