About St. Joseph's Indian School

Since 1927, St. Joseph's Indian School has served Lakota (Sioux) children and families.

Our mission is to educate Native American children and their families for life — mind, body, heart and spirit. This mission drives our organization to educate and provide housing for over 200 Lakota (Sioux) children each year — all at no cost to their families.

Child poverty and abuse are serious issues on Indian reservations. By supporting St. Joseph's Indian School, you are helping Native American children in need reestablish pride in their culture by learning the Lakota language, studying Native American culture and healing the broken family circle from which they come.

Why Your Support Matters

If you’re new to St. Joseph’s Indian School and the struggles facing Native Americans living in reservation communities, the following information will help you get familiar with both. We hope after reading, you’ll desire to help innocent Lakota children overcome the obstacles set against them. One by one, people like you are making work at St. Joseph’s possible.

Did you receive a mailing from us?
Why do students attend St. Joseph's?
Diane Sawyer explores plight of Lakota children
Will my gift really make a difference?
Simple needs, hope for the future
Reservation life presents harsh realities

Review St. Joseph's Indian School on GreatNonprofits

User: Maria C.8

"I have been sending 'care packages' to St Joseph's for some time now. They are so appreciative. I feel it is important to support them. It is sad that Native Americans are neglected by the US government. They deserve our help."

Stories from our Lakota Indian School

There’s a Talking Shark in the Library!
There’s a well-versed subject living in the library. His name is Bruce. Bruce spends his day in quarantine, but remains busy writing the third grade class at St. Joseph’s Indian School many, many letters. It’s quite amazing, actually, given the fact that Bruce doesn’t have any fingers …
The Buffalo: Sacrificing Itself for the Benefit of Others
The sun was still asleep when St. Joseph’s Indian School students and staff rose on a chilly November morning. The grass was covered in frosted crystals, and breath from the group exhaled as clouds into the cool autumn air.

They had all risen early for one special purpose: for it was the day of the buffalo harvest.
St. Joseph’s 2020 Year in Review
Despite the muddy circumstances 2020 brought upon the world, you helped bring so much joy to approximately 200 Lakota (Sioux) boys and girls. Surely we faced challenges, but so many other successes took place.

You can be the reason Lakota Children Dream!

The DreamMakers are a special group of friends who give automatic monthly gifts to ensure the Lakota (Sioux) children are provided for year-round. For as little as 32 cents a day, 100% of your monthly contribution will go directly to helping meet our students’ immediate needs … and will help provide dreams for the future.

Our Programs

Children attending St. Joseph's benefit from individualized care plans that follow nationally approved and accredited techniques. Friends who support St. Joseph's Native American programs help provide for every aspect of each child's physical, emotional, spiritual and educational needs.