Nitȟá aŋpétu wašté!happy birthday!

The kids are so appreciative of everything you do for them and wanted to share a special video for your birthday.


Did you know you can dedicate your birthday gifts to the Lakota (Sioux) students at St. Joseph’s Indian School? It’s easy!

Want to help the Lakota children by setting up a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser?

Create a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser in just three simple steps:

  1. Log into Facebook.
  2. Go to our St. Joseph’s Indian School Facebook page and click on the fundraiser tab.
  3. Click the + Raise Money button and fill out the text fields.

That’s it! From there, Facebook takes care of the rest by creating a fundraiser for you to share with your Facebook friends. Keep in mind Facebook won’t charge you or your friends by keeping a portion of gifts received, so you can take comfort in knowing your birthday fundraiser donations — every cent — will go directly to helping Lakota children at our school.

Many people have already decided to make their birthdays count even more by creating birthday fundraisers. We hope you’ll do the same!

Philámayayethank you — for sharing your birthday with us on your special day!

Have a Great Day!