Contact Us

Contact us by:
St. Joseph's Indian School
P.O. Box 326
Chamberlain, SD 57326
Print shipping labels

Planned Giving Mailing Address:
St. Joseph's Indian School
P.O. Box 100
Chamberlain, SD 57325-0100

Request an Employer Provided Health Insurance Form (Form 1095-C)

To request proof of employer provided health insurance (Form 1095-C) call 605-234-3249 or email

Mail your request to:
St. Joseph’s Indian School
ATTN: Payroll
PO BOX 776
Chamberlain SD 57325

Directions from Interstate 90 to St. Joseph's Indian School campus

Chamberlain Map

From Interstate 90:
Take exit 263. Proceed north two miles — passing through downtown Chamberlain. St. Joseph's Indian School's entrance is located on the left (north) side of the road.

Turn into campus and continue north to the four-way stop. Turn left. The Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center will be located in front of you on your left side.

Park at your convenience and enjoy the museum! Campus and museum tours are available upon request at the receptionist's desk.


Visit Chamberlain, South Dakota

Along with St. Joseph's Indian School, many Native American youth call Chamberlain, South Dakota and the surrounding Indian reservations home!

While visiting St. Joseph's Indian School and the Akta Lakota Museum & Cultural Center, you can also enjoy a variety of activities in the Chamberlain, South Dakota area.

From fishing, kayaking and boating on the Missouri River to hunting and touring the rural landscape, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

Sites and Locations of Interest:

For more information on the Chamberlain area, visit: