Get the Whole Story About the St. Joseph's Indian School Wikipedia Page

You may have seen unfortunate portrayals of St. Joseph's Indian School by organizations such as CNN and Wikipedia.
The St. Joseph's Indian School Wikipedia page contains the same incorrect information about St. Joseph's Indian School that was reported by CNN in 2014. Our responses to the CNN story remain the same. For more information read St. Joseph Indian School's CNN response.
In addition, we are deeply troubled by the links the Wikipedia page contains to historical information that does not align with St. Joseph's current practices regarding childcare, family involvement and cultural preservation.
Incomplete Information
Even more disturbing than the references to cultural assimilation on the St. Joseph's Indian School Wikipedia page is the complete lack of information on our cultural programs, work with Native American families and our efforts to preserve the Lakota language. These are such integral parts of our mission; it is simply irresponsible to leave them out. Any article on St. Joseph's Indian School cannot be complete without detailing how our funding makes possible the programs we provide for the Lakota children in our care — not simply how funds are raised.
Why not change the Wikipedia page?
Because of Wikipedia's editing policies, it's considered unethical for St. Joseph's Indian School to edit the page on our own behalf. We do not wish to defy Wikipedia's policies, only to share correct, complete information about our organization.
Unfortunately, Wikipedia editors adding information to our page don't seem to have any real connection to our school, or to the people we serve.
See for Yourself
At St. Joseph's Indian School, we are always happy to share our work. Our Native American school is proud to carry on a 90-year-old mission to care for Lakota (Sioux) children — mind, body, heart and spirit. Visitors are welcome any time for a campus tour and visit to the Akta Lakota Museum and Cultural Center. We invite you to take advantage of the opportunity to see the children and the many educational programs available to them because of your support — at no cost to their families.
We want you to know the facts and assure you our mission to serve is unwavering despite this negative portrayal and incomplete information. As Drew Griffin himself pointed out at the end of the CNN segment, “the fact is that the money is being used for the right reasons … [students] seem happy, well-fed and housed.”
Thank you in advance for your continued support of our important mission. If you have questions about St. Joseph's Indian School, please don't hesitate to contact us.
By Phone: 1-800-341-2235