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Other Ways to Give

In addition to sending cash donations to St. Joseph's Indian School, did you know you could be helping Native American children in other ways? The following is a list of ways you can make a big difference in the lives of our students without sending money directly to our school.
Shop Our Wish Lists
Do you enjoy a little online shopping? If so, we have the perfect set-up for you to send in-kind gifts.
St. Joseph’s Indian School regularly updates our Walmart, Amazon and Library Book Wish Lists with Back-to-School, Christmas and other needs. We have the lists sorted for your convenience.
What makes shopping these wish lists even easier for you, is that packages are shipped directly to our campus, which saves you a lot of time and hassle!
Give a Non-monetary Gift
Philámayaye — thank you — for your kindness to donate new items to the Lakota boys and girls from the following lists. A printable shipping label can be found at the bottom of this section.
- Plain Vaseline (1.75 oz. Containers)
- Aquaphor-healing ointment
- Clean and Clear Advantage 3-1 exfoliating cleanser with 5% benzoyl peroxide acne medication
- Epsom salt plain
- Clotrimazole cream
- Hydrocortisone Cream
- Body Wash* (Both men's and woman's)
- Hair Conditioner
- Fabric bandaids regular and XL
- Kids Band aids
- Bath puffs
- Unscented Body Lotion (boys or girls can use)
- Selsun Blue/Dandruff Shampoo
- Toothpaste
- Children’s 8 hr Robitussin cough and cold, alcohol free, WITHOUT PHENYLEPHRINE
- Chapstick (variety of kinds)
- Girls and Ladies dress shoes and sandals (sizes 1-7)
- Boys and girls athletic pants (sizes 6-20)
- Boy’s underwear (boxers)
- Aveeno Body Wash
- Aveeno lotion
- Facial tissues
- All types of children clothing (8-20)
- Childrens Chewable Vitamins
- Acne facial wipes
- Cerave Cream
- Antibiotic ointment
- Ibuprofen
- Tylenol 325 mg and 500 mg tablets
- Tylenol or Ibuprofen Children’s dose liquid or chewable
- Band Aid hurt free antiseptic to kill germs
- Bactine no sting pain relieving Cleansing Spray
- 3 inch ace wraps
- Gauze pads
- Braces, supports, and slings for injuries
*St. Joseph’s is no longer able to use bar soap due to health regulations.
Constant needs:
- Mattress pads (Queen, Twin, Twin XL)
- Sheets (Queen, Twin XL)
- Comforter/blanket (Queen, Twin, Twin XL)
- Pillows
- Shower liners
- Dish towels and cloths
- Beach towels
- Bath towels
- Toothpaste
- “metapore tape” (1″ and 2″ width)
- Childrens Chewable Vitamins
- Body wash
- Deodorant
- Q-tips
- Facial tissues
- Hair shampoo
- Hair conditioner
- Hairbrushes
- Hair ponytail holders
- ALL types of children clothing (8-20½)
- Long athletic shorts (All sizes)
- Dress, athletic, and casual shoes — Sizes (1-7)
- Boy’s boxers (all sizes)
- Dry Erase markers (low odor)
- Laundry detergent
- Dryer sheets
- Socks (all sizes)
- Bath puffs
- Kids Band aids
- Dental floss
- Floss picks
- Non-alcoholic fluoride mouth wash
UPS Shipping Address:
St. Joseph's Indian School
1301 N Main Street
Chamberlain, South Dakota 57325
Give a Gift Card
Our in-person shopping selection is limited due to our location in South Dakota. However, online shopping has eased much of this challenge. This is all the easier with a gift card sent by a generous donor!
Gift cards are easy to buy, inexpensive to mail and make a great gift-giving opportunity. The stores we're able to shop at most are Walmart and JC Penney.
Support St. Joseph’s Through an Affiliate Program
You can make a difference for Lakota (Sioux) children in need just by completing daily activities. From scanning box tops to shopping at Wal-mart, you can help Native American youngsters every day.
We are proud to be part of the following affiliate programs:
Box Tops for Education
Use the Box Tops app to scan your store receipt, find participating products and instantly add cash to St. Joseph’s Indian School’s earnings online. From playground equipment to technology to library books, St. Joseph’s can use this money to help teachers and students get the supplies they need.
The optional iGive Button is a simple web browser app, easy to install and uninstall. It automatically activates at participating stores.
Shop normally (no special codes, no special anything) at any of the approximate 2,300 stores. The button is working in the background to let them know you're helping when you shop.
Network for Good
Network for Good’s nonprofit donor-advised fund uses the Internet and mobile technology to securely and efficiently distribute thousands of donations from donors to their favorite charities each year.
Loaves for Learning
The Loaves 4 Learning program is open to eligible public and private K-12 schools throughout our distribution area. Collect eligible UPCs (universal product codes) and St. Joseph’s Indian School can earn as much as $10,000 per year that can be used for books, computers, sports, building repairs and more.
Donate Your Unwanted Vehicle
Do you have a vehicle you no longer use? If so, please consider donating your car, boat, RV or pick-up to St. Joseph’s Indian School!
A vehicle donation to St. Joseph’s Indian School is convenient and tax-deductible. But most importantly, you will be helping improve the lives of the Lakota (Sioux) boys and girls who are dreaming of a brighter future.
St. Joseph’s Indian School has joined forces with Vehicles for Charity to help us. They will contact you to set up a time for the vehicle pick-up and there is no cost to you. Make sure to have your title transfer papers ready to give them and they will supply you with a tax-deductible receipt when the vehicle is picked up.
If you have additional questions, visit the frequently asked questions page.
Contact information:
Vehicles for Charity
5943 Broadway
Denver, Colorado 80216
Vehicle Donation Line: (303) 308-2400
Toll Free: (866) 628-2277
Fax: (303) 308-2459
Email: info@vehiclesforcharity.org
St. Joseph's Indian School
Attn: Denise Hyland
PO Box 100
Chamberlain, SD 57325-0100
Toll Free: 1-800-584-9200
Email: dhyland@stjo.org